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Pulp Fiction, Movie Review Example

Pages: 2

Words: 682

Movie Review

Pulp Fiction (1994) is a film by Quentin Tarantino that intertwines three different perspectives and vignettes. In the film, Tarantino explores the initially awkward interaction between Vince Vega and Mrs. Mia Wallace, Marsellus Wallace’s wife. In the scene, “Dancing at Jack Rabbit Slim’s,” the mise-en-scene helps to establish mood and setting, as well as incorporates some of Tarantino’s directorial trademarks.

Quentin Tarantino directed Pulp Fiction. In a film, a director is the “person who guides the actors in performance, determines the staging of the action, supervises all aspects of shooting, and works with the producer, writer, and designer before production and with the film and sound editors after production to ensure the consistency and excellence of the movie as well as the best possible use of the personnel, materials, and resources provided by the producer” (Mast & Kawin, 2003, p. 681). The person that “designs a movie’s sets and décor” is called an art director (Mast & Kawin, 2003, p. 678); in Pulp Fiction the art direction was overseen by Charles Collum (Full Cast and Crew for Pulp Fiction, n.d.). The production designer works in conjunction with the art designer. A production designer is “an art director responsible for designing the complete look of a film, coordinating and integrating its sets, dressings, props, costumes, and color schemes (Mast & Kawin, 2003, p. 687); Dave Wasco served as Pulp Fiction’s production designer (Tarantino).

In the scene “Dancing at Jack Rabbit Slim’s,” lighting is used as a spotlight on Vince Vega and Mia Wallace. The use of spotlight focuses attention on the two as they compete in the restaurant’s twist competition. By focusing the light on the dance floor, and having dimmer lighting on the periphery, intensity is raised especially since Mia makes it clear to Vince that she wants to win the trophy.

The scene is set in a 1950s themed restaurant, which is built around a large circular dance floor with booth seating around it. To complete the restaurant’s 50s theme, the booths are designed to look like 1950s cars and the waiters and waitresses are dressed up as 50s pop icons. By having the dance floor be at the center of the restaurant, Vince and Mia are at the front and center of attention when Mia volunteers them for the dance competition.

The costuming of the external characters at the diner helps to separate Vince and Mia from their surroundings. While we see elaborate costumes such as Buddy Holly and Marilyn Monroe, Vince and Mia are dressed in simple black and white clothing. Mia’s costuming can be considered to be a feminine version of Vince Vega’s black suit and the two characters’ costumes compliment each other. The styling between Vince and Mia help to differentiate their backgrounds; for instance, Vince Vega’s hair appears to be unkempt and although he tries to pull it back, there are a few strands that hang around his face. On the other hand, Mia has a blunt and styled bob that reflects the attention that she pays to the way that she looks; in addition, Mia also makes sure that her makeup is done properly and is not excessive and that her nails are perfectly manicured.

Overall, “Dancing at Jack Rabbit Slim’s” mise-en-scene helps to establish the relationship that Vince and Mia have. The lighting, setting, and costuming work together to create a cohesive scene without letting the characters get lost in the action. Although Vince and Mia are intentionally dressed to make them stand apart from the rest of the restaurant, this does not make the scene feel discordant, but rather helps to emphasize that the duo are outsiders and are not part of the 50s pop world although they enjoy immersing themselves in it. The juxtaposition of characters against the restaurant backdrop is a theme that is seen throughout the film and helps to create cohesiveness within the narrative.


Full Cast and Crew for Pulp Fiction. (n.d.). Accessed 8 April 2012 from,

Mast, G. & Kawin, B. (2003). A short history of the movies. 8th Ed. New York: Longman.

Tarantino, Q. (Director). (1994). Pulp Fiction [Film]. United States: Miramax Films.

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