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Smoking Termination, Article Critique Example

Pages: 2

Words: 648

Article Critique

The study addressed the indicators of success in termination of smoking after attending a program of smoking termination. According to the article, identifying the relevant features that are responsible for predicting success in termination of smoking is vital in enhancing the efforts towards smoking secession and therefore, the study posit to highlight the potential dynamics that guide to the success of smoking termination.

Research question

What are the remarkable predictors of achievement in smoking termination?

Objectives of the study

This study aims at identifying the potential markers of short-term achievement of termination of smoking paying special tribute to withdrawal symptoms on the basis of DSM-IV withdrawal measure for individuals in attendance of a program of smoking termination

Smoking was identified as a crucial avoidable cause of premature mortality as well as morbidity in most countries and the risk it poses can be avoided on successful abstinence. Consequently, lifelong smoking termination helps in improving the health of the individual and identifying the features that can predict successful termination is beneficial.

Value of the study to an individual and the profession of respiratory therapist

Identification of remarkable predictors of success of smoking termination is beneficial to smokers as a facilitator of identifying the appropriate strategy of stopping smoking in addition to the need for highly intensive treatment where appropriate. The study is also important to the physicians and health experts in the profession of respiratory therapist in improving their efficiency in assisting the smokers the best strategy of smoking termination and consequently improving their health and improving resource allocation in health care (Caponnetto & Polosa, 2008).


The study 2, 471 participants in two sessions of consultations in a program of smoking termination by Nicotine Institute in partnership with Medical University of “Vienna Institute of Social Medicine”, that was conducted for five weeks(Groman et al., 2009). Self-reported moderation was the indicator of success in termination of smoking and a ?10 ppm level of exhaled carbon monoxide after final consultation. The participants were encouraged to avail themselves for five sessions at Nicotine Institute at an interval of one week although fewer consultations were also allowed.

Statistical Analysis

The comparison of baseline features was based on univariate analysis of variance in addition to the chi-square test. Comparisons were made between groups of patients on the basis of post-hoc tests with the use of calculating contrasts. Tukey adjustment were used to correct multiplicity and withdrawal symptoms graphs were used in the determination of the effects of the symptoms of withdrawal and sign-rank check by Wilcoxon  was  applied to determine the mean slope. Each group was considered independently in the course of analysis.

Success in Smoking Termination

The indicator of successful termination of smoking was 0 cigarettes that an individual smoked in a day and a concentration of CO of ?10 ppm on the basis of Russell Standards measure in smoking abstinence (West, et al., 2005).


High number of participation in the program was attributed to higher chances of success in termination of smoking from 12.1% to 61.2% representing p < .0001.


The study revealed that more sessions of attendance were beneficial to achieving short-term success in smoking termination with older male having nicotine reliance of lower values, fewer cigarettes in a day, lower levels of CO, fewer signs of withdrawal and insignificant melancholy history.


The study involving a program of smoking termination was funded by Niederösterreichische Gebietskrankenkasse under the supervision of Nicotine Institute.


More sessions of attendance to the programs, ability to cope with the withdrawal along with psychosocial symptoms and NRT were important factors in short term success of smoking termination.


Caponnetto, P., & Polosa, R. (2008). Common predictors of smoking termination in clinical practice. Respiratory Medicine, 102, 1182–1192.

Groman, E., Riemerth, A., Steiner-Ringl, A., Veitsmeier, I.,Kroat, A., Kroat, U., et al. (2009). Outpatient smoking termination: A report on 3,260 cases. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 159, 40–46.

West, R., Hajek, P., Stead, L., & Stapleton, J. (2005). Outcome criteria for smoking termination            trials: Proposal for a common standard. Addiction, 100, 299–303

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