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Somatoform Disorders, Article Review Example

Pages: 2

Words: 608

Article Review

This article is about conversion disorder. Conversion disorder falls under the group of somatoform disorders. Conversion disorder is characterized by the occurrence of symptoms that cannot be medically or neurologically or by substance abuse problem. Its symptoms are severe and cause significant distress or physical impairment. According to America Psychiatric Association [APA] (2000), conversion disorder is a psychological disorder whose symptoms affect voluntary motor or sensory function. It is difficult to diagnosis the conversion disorder because the symptoms are neurological in nature. Thus before one qualifies to be a victim of conversion disorder, he/she must first fail the medical test and then be referred to the psychiatric. The symptoms of conversion disorder include loss of senses such as being deaf or blind, paralysis usually of one leg or arm, and seizures, which are stimulated and occur without incontinence and cyanosis. This disorder usually begins at adolescence or earlier adulthood, can prevail until the age of 35, and is more prevalent in women than in men.

The cause of this disorder is not yet known, but the term, conversion suggests that it is caused by repressed memories, trauma, or stress, which is converted to physical symptoms to avoid stressful events in the life of the patient. Patients suffering from conversion disorders find it hard to cope-up with a lot of stress so they should be managed in a way to reduce the stress in their life as much as possible. Further, the article brings a story of Teresa a patient who was suffering from conversion disorder but could not accept her situation and taught that her illness had nothing to do with her physical and psychological being but rather medical in nature. This patient was one of her kind because she was stubborn and wanted the nurses to do to her lie she wanted and not as they wanted to take care of her. The behavior of the patient made the nurses to learn a lot from patient care especially on caring with patients with conversion disorders. Although Teresa suffered for quite long she finally recovered fully from her condition. Recovery of Teresa was because of many reasons, which include her cooperation with the staff, her change of attitude of towards her illness and the medical staff, the change of attitude of the medical staff towards the patient and the illness, and finally the combined efforts of the staff, parents of Teresa and Teresa herself.

It is evident from the article that conversion disorders and any physical disorders that patients suffer from can be handled smoothly by the cooperation between the medical staff and the patient seeking healthcare. I have leant a lesson that if patients are dealt with in a quit and calm manner and using imagery to which the patient could relate ha a positive impact to the patient’s life. Also I have leant that being open to the patient and listening to the patient carefully can improve the relationship between the healthcare practitioner and the patient moreover this will boost the patients confidence in the practitioner which will finally improve the patients well being or recovery. As a future MNS I have also learnt that having predetermined judgment and concrete standards of care does not help in nursing but rather being flexible and willing to listen to patients and what they feel about their physical being can play a big role in promoting patients healing and care. Lastly, opening up to many kind of holistic therapy is the best way of dealing with patients suffering from conversion disorders.


Sandra, L, T., (2009) Treatment of conversion disorder: A clinical and holistic approach; journal of psychosocial nursing VOL, 47 NO, 8

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