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Tissue Donation: Discussion of Issues, Article Critique Example

Pages: 2

Words: 466

Article Critique

For a very long time, the industry of medical advancement has suffered a great deal of expenses in finding the most extensive ways of curing ailments like cancer which have specifically been considered as a growing health phenomena for the past decades. Lately, the development of biotechnology has made it easier for the medical industry to get involved in the process of utilizing human tissue to develop particular body elements that could be used to treat ailments that used to be incurable. As of today, research on the matter continues to flourish. To complete the said researches, patients from all around the world are asked for biological samples. Usually, these are taken unknowingly from patients who present their samples willingly for testing procedures. Tissues from such samples are taken for reference to particular ongoing researches. Is this an ethical condition of medical act?

The article Tissue Tug-of-War: A Comparison of International and U.S. Perspectives on the Regulation of Human Tissue Banks released under the Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law tries to specifically point out the difference of legal sanctions that the United States imply on the procedures of obtaining samples for tissue banks compared to other nations implicating the same rules and medical procedures. This material is expected to help in helping readers understand the need for an appropriate balance on recognizing the rights of the patients and the need to promote scientific ethical attitudes on the part of the researchers.

Another written work by Hirtle and Knoppers (2012) entitled Banking of Human Materials, Intellectual Property Rights and Ownership Issues: International Policy positions and emerging trends in the literature, provide a great and dependable information that defines the ethical points needed to be considered in relation to how tissue donation should be included in line with property laws. Whether or not a patient should be notified if his tissue samples are to be taken for research procedures are given specific attention in this reading.

With these materials, it is expected that the completion of the research would be more effective in presenting the pros and cons of tissue banking operations that are considered legitimate in most hospitals around the world today. Giving particular attention to how each individual should be informed about the matter shall be measures accordingly through these references.

Works Cited

Hirtle, M and Knoppers, BM. (2012) Banking of Human Materials, Intellectual Property Rights and Ownership Issues: International Policy positions and emerging trends in the literature.$FILE/knoppeef.pdf. (Retrieved on November 27, 2013).

Schmidt, C. (2000). Tissue Banks Trigger Worry About Ownership Issues. (Retrieved on November 27, 2013).

Shapiro, J. (2012). Calculating The Value Of Human Tissue Donation. (Retrieved on November 27, 2013).

Tissue Tug-of-War: A Comparison of International and U.S. Perspectives on the Regulation of Human Tissue Banks. Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law. (Retrieved on November 27, 2013).

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