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Abdominal Pain, Article Review Example

Pages: 2

Words: 506

Article Review


Abdominal pain, although a common ailment in many individuals, is often times tough to diagnose due to the varied factors that can cause it.  For example, while a patient with abdominal pain may simply be a function of poor eating or infection, the condition may also be related to other less common physiological and psychological ailments. This article will explore the various causes, typical tests used to diagnose, and therapeutic treatments used to treat abdominal pain.

Summary of Article

Overall, the article is broken down into five parts: 1) Introduction; 2) Anatomy and Physiology; 3) Causes of abdominal pain; 4) Nursing care; 5) Conclusion.  Abdominal pain is one of the most common reasons that people seek medical care (Cole, Lynch &Cugnoni, 2006). In addition to assessing whether the abdominal pain is acute or non-acute, the nurse must also pay close attention to the patient’s history: The patient’s history will (likely) account for 70% or more of the clues to an ultimate diagnosis (Cole, Lynch &Cugnoni, 2006).

Another key diagnostic tool is to assess where the abdominal pain emanates and what organs are in the affected area.  For example, during clinical examination the abdomen is often times divided into four quadrants: right upper quadrant, left upper quadrant, right lower quadrant and left lower quadrant ((Cole, Lynch &Cugnoni, 2006). One can map the organs in the previously mentioned quadrants.

The article also surveys common sources of abdominal pain which include: Appendicitis;  binary colic; Bowel obstruction; Cholecystitis; Gastrointestinal Disease; Gynaecological

emergencies; Ectopic pregnancy;  Pelvic inflammatory disease;  Hepatitis; Leaking abdominal aortic aneurysm; Pancreatitis; Peritonitis; Urinary tract infection (Cole, Lynch &Cugnoni, 2006). In trying to assess which of the following conditions are causing the pain, taking a careful history is a key part of this process: in particular, questions regarding pain, associated symptoms, past and medication history, and social and family history should be a critical part of this examination.

When taking vital signs, nurses should focus on the following: 1) Temperature- raised temperature may indicate bacterial infection or inflammation; 2) Heart rate- Tachycardia may indicate pain, fear, infection, infection, or septic shock. 3) Blood Pressure- Hypertension may indicate pain or anxiety; 4) Respiratory rate- taken with heart rate could indicate sympathetic activity (Cole, Lynch &Cugnoni, 2006).

Evaluation of the Article

Overall, the article does an excellent job going through the prerequisite steps in order to detect and understand what may be causing abdominal pain.  In addition, the article gives a thorough explanation of all possible diseases, vital signs to check those diseases, and therapeutic pharmacological treatments to help with the disease. The success of the article lies in its systematic approach to exploring the concept of abdominal pain through evidenced-based practices.


In conclusion, abdominal pain is a key area of knowledge for nurses due to the commonality of the condition, the robust options for treating the condition, and the severity of conditions that can emerge if not treated immediately or in the proper manner.


Cole, E., Lynch, A., Cugnoni, H. (2006). Assessment of the patient with acute abdominal pain. Nursing Standard, 20(39), 67-75.  PubMed PMID: 16786930.

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