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Nursing, Admission Essay Example

Pages: 3

Words: 728

Admission Essay

I was really close to my grandmother who was diagnosed with cancer when I was only nine years old. Even though my grandmother lived for only a year after her diagnosis, that one year changed my perspectives on life. I personally witnessed the selfless dedication of a nurse to my grandmother’s wellbeing which made me realized that society prospers when people look out for each other. I realized I would also like to become a nurse so that I can bring comfort to others in their most difficult times. My strong faith as a Christian woman has also influenced my decision to become a nurse because life lived for others is a life well spent. I could not have made it this far in life without the kindness of the many and now it is time I dedicate my life to bring joy to others.

As soon as I finished high school, I started working on my pre-requisite courses to apply to nursing schools but life doesn’t always go according to plans. At the same time, my father became ill and lost his job. He was the sole breadwinner in the family and as a result, the burden fell on my shoulders. I was forced to find a job to support the family but I was also determined to stay in school. I could not enroll in the nursing program because it requires full-time commitment, thus, I opted for business major as a part-time student. It was difficult managing both work and school but once I put my mind into something, I am not afraid to go to any length to get the job done. After completing my business degree, I became a college counselor for nursing majors at the University of Phoenix where I worked for a little more than five years. Helping nursing students at University of Phoenix was not only a rewarding experience but also taught me it is never too late to pursue your dreams. I met many students who had returned to school to pursue their dream career paths. Sometimes, inspiration comes from the most unlikely sources.

After University of Phoenix, I joined IHSS where I provided care to a cancer patient for two years and our relationship was more like two friends than a patient and a caretaker. There are few things as strong as human spirit and my patient was a living proof. In addition, when your personal values are in line with the profession you are associated with, you look forward to work every day. Even a demanding job seems interesting because it helps you fulfill the purpose of your life. After two years at IHSS, I joined Marvista Hospice, my current employer and where my responsibilities include assisting patients with a wide range of tasks including administering drugs to the patients. I would like to mention I hold certifications in CPR and AED.

My academic and professional life demonstrates my commitment to excellence and my ability to thrive, even in the face of low odds. Life doesn’t always go as planned but as long as one doesn’t give up, he does find his destination. Failure is not falling short of expectations but to give up and giving up has never been an option for me. The society has helped me get through difficult times and I am fortunate to be at a place where I can pursue my dreams. This is why I have applied to the nursing program so that I can acquire advanced knowledge and further polish my skills to provide high-quality care that is a right of every patient.

I am involved with numerous non-profit organizations that help some of the least advantaged members of the society such as Habitat for Humanity, Race for Cure, Donors Choose, and Zenith Home Health Care. My commitment to these organizations is driven by the same values that have inspired me to pursue the nursing education. I believe one should choose a profession which he doesn’t only find interesting but which is also a great fit to his skills and strengths. I have no doubt I will be a highly effective nursing professional and that is not because of superior technical skills but because I can put myself in others’ shoes and relate to their happiness and sorrows. Patients do not only desire a caretaker but also a friend who can understand them.

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