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Reflective Synthesis Research Essay. University of Maryland University College, Article Critique Example

Pages: 4

Words: 1161

Article Critique
  1. Is the thesis clear at the beginning or end?

The thesis as it is dependent on the author’s experience in making reflective synthesis research is clear enough from the beginning of the article towards its end and is specifically given attention to by the fact that the author defined well each aspect of the experience.

  1. Were sources integrated well with a mixture of paraphrases and quotations?

Since the article is more personal, it utilized only one specific reference that was effective enough in specifically creating a more refined indication on how the author tried to bring out his ideas through establishing that of the specific notes that the author of the book he uses tends to present.

  1. Did the writer use rhetorical devices? If so, which?

Not so much rhetorical devises as it is a more personal written piece than a depiction of the different ideas that the author has in a more direct approach rather than based on a rhetorical presentation.

  1. Was APA style used correctly?

No referencing was utilized within the context of the written article, hence it could be relatively considered that perhaps the article was not so much dependent on APA style writing and referencing approach.

  1. Did the writer avoid plagiarism?

With his personal thoughts written within the paragraphs of the article, it is certain that plagiarism has been specifically avoided by the author. Although a specific book was used for reference, the author was careful enough not to get any specific written work from the book and instead just refer to it as an inspirational source.

  1. Were there any grammar or punctuation concerns?

Grammar and punctuation was very much effectively used in the entire article suggesting the considerations and emotions of the writer himself.

  1. What is the strength of the work?

Being a personal article, its main strength includes the extensive consideration that the author had in presenting his real experiences and providing a pattern of development that the readers could use if they are faced with the need to write a reflective synthesis research.


Peer Review Feedback Comment Form for Reflective Essay

Draft Content and Development Criteria

Hint: Please take time to read over the links in the Paragraph Development Discussion B conference in the above discussion topic. I will be looking for to see that you considered the elements of a paragraph including unity, coherence, logical bridges, verbal bridges, and transitions words. I will be looking for well developed topic sentences followed by adequate supporting details in all paragraphs.


Add Your Comments here. I ask that you post four or more sentences per category.

The rough draft is complete enough for constructive feedback. The paper consists of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph for the final essay.  As for the research on global warming, the author of this study was able to present all necessary details in good presentation especially when it comes to structural efficiency. Talking about the basic issues towards the incrementing points it has with regards the impact it is making in the modern society’s life, the author was specific as to how he wants the process of presentation to push through for the sake of informing and influencing the ideal perception of his target readers.
The paper uses an appropriate topic for a Reflective essay. And the paper develops a central theme or idea.  The researcher was careful enough to deal with the issues regarding the comparison of global warming and climate change. Overall, it represents a complete definition of the central theme that the research is focused upon.
Is the thesis clearly written?  The thesis was clearly written at the beginning sections of the article which notes:

While the scientific community all but universally agrees that action must be taken by governments to stem  pollution which is blamed for the problem, political groups are often at odds as to how best to address (or indeed whether at all to address) the issue.

Major points are stated, clearly supported by specific details, examples, or analysis and are organized logically.  With the clarifications needed to support assumptions as well as the claims that are being proposed by the author of the paper, references were used and particular thoughts from these references have been noted especially in relation to the course by which the discussion ought to take root on the fulfillment of the creation of proof that could provide ample support to the thesis that has been suggested beforehand.
All paragraphs are well organized and contain a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence.  Each particular paragraph has its own main topic which the author talks about within an entire presentation of the idea. The organization of the paragraphs have been specifically designated to create a reflective definition on how the researcher viewed global warming as a separate dilemma from climate change, but are both considered manageable through cooperative support from the different agencies of the society.
Appropriate transitions are included within and between paragraphs. Transition words help to smooth the flow of thoughts from one paragraph to the next. Such transition words can include: thus, therefore, finally, following, etc.  Transition words were effectively used to relate ideas altogether in relation to each other. Although not constantly used in each paragraph, the chronological presentation of supporting information establishes a strong structure that unifies the context of the whole research as one piece of writing.
The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.  

The introduction was effective enough in serving as background presentation of the entire research which gives the readers a primary glimpse of the written assignment which specifically makes it easier for them to envision what to expect as they read through the preceding sections of the article.

The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.  The conclusion was effectively presented, it serves as a well-wrapped up definition of the entire idea that the author hopes to present. The collective manner by which the author tried to outline the final results of the research was effective enough in finalizing the initialization of a conclusion that is hoped to impact the readers’ perceptions directly.
Sources are integrated well with a mixture of paraphrases and quotations?  Increasing the reliability and the dependability of the research, the author of the article effectively used proper referencing which makes the sources all tied up with the entire context of the article.
Overall Comments: The controversy behind the issue it deals with is the primary strength of the research itself. It could be noted that the references used were compatible with the idea of the author in defining global warming as central problem that could be resolved through the utilization of social collaboration and cooperation. Bringing out the right course of definition that puts this controversy in a particular stand that could be well recognized by the readers being targeted by the author himself makes this specific article a strong source of reference.


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