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2009 Year of the NCO, Speech Example

Pages: 2

Words: 500



In October 2008, Secretary of the Army Pete Geren made known that 2009 would be selected as “the Year of the Noncommissioned Officer.”[1] The Year of the NCO was meant to augment learning, health, and bearing and to honor NCOs with agendas that maintain and cultivate the NCO Corps, to distinguish leadership, dedication and bravery, and to notify relevant parties about the duties and excellence of the NCOs.[2] The Army sought to “enhance…recognize… [and] inform” with 2009 Year of the NCO initiatives.[3]


First, the Army sought to develop the NCO corps learning, strength, leadership growth, and honor them with curriculums and procedures design to maintain and develop the NCO Corps.[4] Learning programs executed in 2009 include:

  1. The Army Career Tracker (ACT) pilot
  2. Phase 1 of Structured and Guided Self Development
  3. Warrior University Web
  4. Transformation of NCO Education System.[5]

The health programs endeavored to improve the overall strength of the NCO Corps with better psychological and physical health curriculums. Furthermore, the Army sought enhanced learning about fitness and strength as well as more comprehensive fitness examinations to augment individual fitness feature consciousness. All of these things help initiate a wide-ranging health background.[6] Also, the Army completely employed the NCO Leadership Skills Inventory which matches NCO capacities with unique responsibilities.[7]


Next, the Army sought to distinguish the leadership, dedication, and bravery of the NCO Corps.[8] The NCO Congressional Fellowship Program was executed to improve NCO advancement and determination.[9] Two sergeants major were assigned to the House and Senate Armed Services Committee as executive Army Legislative Liaison Officers.[10] By giving noncommissioned officers a voice in the administration of military objectives, the United States government and its people gained in many ways:

  1. Non-commissioned officers were recognized as core leadership in the Army.
  2. The ground-level experiences of NCOs could be applied to the complexities of problems at higher levels of decision.
  3.  The voice of the career soldier was heard more clearly in decisions that directly effect the safety and sacrifices of their rank.


Last, the Army sought to notify and teach the American populace, Congress, and other government bodies about the function, duties and excellence of the NCO Corps.[11] “The Long Hard Road,” a collection of NCO understandings from Afghanistan and Iraq was re-released.[12] The Year of the NCO Web site, the increased publication of the NCO Journal, the renovation the NCO Museum at Fort Bliss, and “Army Strong” television ads centered on NCO Leadership all contributed to public awareness.[13] The Army honors NCO guidance by increased public awareness of NCO contributions throughout military history.[14]


In October 2008, Secretary of the Army Pete Geren made known that 2009 would be selected as “the Year of the Noncommissioned Officer.”[15] The Army sought to “enhance…recognize… [and] inform” with 2009 Year of the NCO initiatives.[16] The Year of the NCO was meant to augment learning, health, and bearing and to honor NCOs with agendas that maintain and cultivate the NCO Corps, to distinguish leadership, dedication and bravery, and to notify relevant parties about the duties and excellence of the NCOs.[17]


[2] Ibid.

[3] Ibid.

[4] Ibid.






[10] Ibid.


[12] Ibid.

[13] Ibid.



[16] Ibid.

[17] Ibid.

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